Spanish words that don't exist in English

Spanish words that don't exist in English

ashley del rio

ashley del rio

These words proved useful (read: impressive to the locals) during my recent Spanish getaway. They'll be magic for you too.

(v) To stay up very late, all night, or to have a night out
At home we only stay up until we run out of Amazon shows to watch, but on holiday trasnochamos every. single. night.

(v) To use or wear something for the first time
After all, a special outfit for a special occasion deserves a special word. 

(v) After-dinner conversation, time spent chatting leisurely around the table after a meal
We don't have a word for this in the U.S. because we don't do this. We just inhale 8,000 calories and then get back to binging Netflix. Or sometimes, we binge on food and Netflix at the same time. 

(v) To have an afternoon snack
This also applies to afternoon tea.

(v) To wake up in the early hours of the morning
Like when you have to wake up at the crack of dawn to catch your flight back to reality.

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